COVID-19 response planning of booking
By staying vigilant when we re-open for the Safety of our Clients and our Staff, we ask you to help us.
By Appointment Only.
Social Distancing
Please do not bring Family or Friends into the Salon with you at your Appointment. There are seats in the Arcade for Friends and Family to wait.
Screening questions prior to booking:
- Have you been Unwell? Or been around anyone that is Unwell?
- Do you have a Temperature, Sore Throat or Runny Nose?
- Have you Travelled in the last 14 Days?

Your Therapist will ask you to Sanitise your hands in the reception area prior to taking you into the treatment rooms.
Your Therapist could request you wear a Mask depending on the length and service of your appointment.
Our commitment to our Clients
- STAFF – Will not be able to work if feeling or looking unwell.
- Disposable sheets removed after every client.
- Gloves and Masks will be worn to protect the clients.
- Staff will be Health Checked prior to Starting a Shift.
- Staff will be Temperature checked regularly throughout the day.
- Door handles and regular Touch spaces will be cleaned after every client.
- Salon is disinfected throughout the day.